Energy and Power Engineering
This subject guide will help you find information resources in the field of energy and power engineering. Current information can be found in electronic articles and on selected websites. In addition, the library also provides access to many print and electronic books.
- GlobalSpec Engineering: power generation, transmission, distribution, cogeneration and alternative and renewable energy.
- IEEE Spectrum: batteries, storage, environment, fossil fuels, nuclear policy, renewables and smarter grid.
- MIT News
- Science Daily
New Books
Newly Arrived Print Journal Issues
Most recent print journals are available in our Periodicals Reading Room (third floor, to the right of the elevator).Electronic Books
If you need eBooks on energy and power engineering, you can use the library search tool or search specific databases.
- IET Digital Library: eBooks published by the Institution of Engineering & Technology, UK.
- Wiley Online Library: eJournals and eBooks published by John Wiley & Son.
- ScienceDirect: fulltext database of scientific literature covering also energy and power engineering by Elsevier publisher.
- EBSCOhost — eBbook Collection: more than 17,000 books on energy and power engineering.
- More eBooks on energy and power engineering can be found in other databases: Taylor and Francis, SpringerLink, ProQuest Ebook Central (Academic Complete a Science & Technology databases), De Gruyter.
Print Books on Energy and Power Engineering
Recommended Print Books- Robert L. Jaffe: The Physics of Energy. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Washington Taylor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018, ISBN: 9781107016651.
- Stacey, W. M.: Nuclear Reactor Physics. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007.
Print Books on Energy and Power Engineering
Our collection includes also rare books and journals published before 1920.
Online Articles
All NTK resources are searchable through the main search box on NTK website. You can also search directly in specific databases recommended for searching energy and power engineering articles. Registered user can access these resources also remotely from their homes.
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library: full-text database of journals, books, conference proceedings and standards published by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
- Cambridge University Press: wide range of electronic resources from 166 peer-reviewed journals specialized in various STEM fields including energy and power engineering.
- ScienceDirect: peer-reviewed journals by Elsevier Publishing (153 journals on energy and power engineering).
- EBSCOhost: more than 40 journals on energy and power engineering by various publishers.
- De Gruyter: over 900 specialized journals produced by German publisher, mainly in English.
- Google Scholar: scholarly literature (books, articles), all subjects, different resources, full-text access. To search through the electronic databases subscribed by NTK, add NTK to the Library links in Google Scholar settings.
Online Journals
Most journals are published online and NTK registered users can access them remotely from home. List of all eJournals available via NTK can be found here.The following list includes links to the most popular energy and power engineering journals.
- Applied Thermal Engineering
- Energy and Environmental Science
- Energy Economics
- Energy Policy
- Energy Storage Materials
- High Voltage
- IEEE Power & Energy Magazines
- International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
- IET Generation Transmission & Distribution
- Journal of Power Sources
- Nature Energy
- Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
Print Journals
You can find full list of our print journals from the field of energy and power engineering in the library catalog.
The most recent issues of our print journals are available in the Periodicals Reading Room (on the third floor).
List of available print journals on energy and power engineering
Name of the Journal |
Location in the Periodicals Reading Room |
Energie 21: odborný recenzovaný dvouměsíčník o obnovitelných zdrojích energie (Czech) | shelf 3D/076 |
Energetika: odborný časopis pro elektrárenství, teplárenství a užití energie (Czech) | shelf 3D/080 |
Pro-Energy magazín: energetické trhy, trendy a perspektivy (Czech) | regál 3D/074 |
Modern Power Systems : Communicating Power Technology Worldwide | shelf 3D/071 |
Electronic Handbooks and Encyclopedias
- Dictionary of Energy. Ed. Cutler J. Cleveland, Christopher G. Morris, Elsevier, 2014.
- Handbook of Energy Engineering. Albert Thumann, D. Paul Mehta. The Fairmont Press, 2013.
- Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy. James G. Speight. Scrivener Publishing, 2021.
- Large Energy Storage Systems Handbook. Ed. Frank S. Barnes, Jonah G. Levine, CRC Press, 2011.
- Handbook of Energy : Diagrams, Charts, and Tables. Ed. Cutler J. Cleveland, and Christopher G. Morris, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2013.
- Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia: Science, Technology, and Applications. Ed. Steven B. Krivit, Jay H. Lehr, Thomas B. Kingery, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
- ScienceDirect: reference resources on energy and power engineering by Elsevier.
Print Handbooks and Encyclopedias
- Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering and Technology (2007).
- Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources (2009).
- Encyclopedia of Energy (2004).
- Concise Encyclopedia of History of Energy (2009).
- Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy (2021).
- Nuclear Energy Ecyclopedia : Science, Technology, and Applications (2011).
Czech Institutions
- Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic: legislation, statistics, strategic documents on the Czech energy sector.
- Energy Regulatory Office of the Czech Republic: prices, statistics, news, regulations (Czech language only).
International Institutions
- International Energy Agency: statistics, analytical documents, policies, worldwide coverage.
- UN Energy Statistics Database: comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy, by country.
- BP Statistical Review of World Energy + Energy Outlook: worldwide statistics by country.
- World Energy Council: the world’s principal and impartial network of energy leaders, pioneers and practitioners.
- International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): data, statistics, studies, reports on renewable energy capacity, power generation, and renewable energy balances.
- Global Wind Energy Council: international forum for the wind energy sector, market data and analysis.
- Wind Europe: European data, trends, reports, policies and rules.
- OurEnergyLibrary: publicly available fact sheets, journal articles, reports, studies, and other publications on U.S. energy topics.
- access to the data and reports collected by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) from DOE-funded research and development (R&D) activities at DOE national laboratories and facilities and at universities and other institutions in the US.
- MIT: free online courses and textbooks on Energy.
Your contact

Kristina Millerová
- kristina.millerova
- 232 002 614