STEMskiller: Skill Set Map for Mentors of Early Career Researchers

RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP: Academic reading and writing

[Preparing to write]

Copyright: definition, why considered important/or not important, things to consider


Copyright is a form of protection of intellectual output, typically defined by national copyright laws. Academic works typically copyrighted include academic articles published in journals, other written outputs, posters, presentations, images, and theses. Individual institutions may have copyright guidelines based on national legislation and practices assisting scholars in choosing the form of copyright protection for a work and assuring one's own copyright is not inadvertently assigned to others (e.g., publishers). 

Useful resources on Copyright:

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Copyright.

Provides a comprehensive history, overview, and discussion of copyright with links to additional reading on the various aspects of copyright.

ZB MED Information Centre for Life Sciences. (n.d.). Copyright and academic research: what are the key issues that affect you as an author.

While created for the German research context, provides a useful general definition of copyright; a description of copyright considerations when citing and quoting, how to deal with images, illustrations, and graphics; a link to information about Creative Commons licenses, and considerations for doctoral students in writing their theses.

Tags: IPS IA; IPS CritT, IPS WC; PSR ER; CompTS; CompGS

Peer Review: None

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Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Editor: Eliška Skládalová Last modified: 5.2. 2025 16:02