STEMskiller: Skill Set Map for Mentors of Early Career Researchers


Perspectives on "open" movements (beyond open publishing and open data)


Debates about open scholarship (and other "open" movements aimed at making certain activities more equitable by not requiring payment for use or access) are historical and have continued through time in relation to different aspects of the academic endeavor. With open scholarship movements, as Veletsioanos & Kimmons (2012; resource link below) note: 

Many scholars hope and anticipate that open practices will broaden access to education and
knowledge, reduce costs, enhance the impact and reach of scholarship and education, and
foster the development of more equitable, effective, efficient, and transparent scholarly and
educational processes.

Some aspects of open scholarship are, as of time of writing, currently mandated by institutions or funding bodies, but navigating this landscape can be difficult for early career researchers unfamiliar with such concepts. The resources in this section provide additional reading on various aspects of open scholarship (beyond open access publishing and open data treated in related sections of the STEMskiller hierarchy.

Useful resources on "Open" movements:

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2021). OpenUNC

Model for "universal access to knowledge in an environment of open scholarship and shared creativity" includes links top open access journals, open repositories, open monographs, and open education and publishing resources. 

Veletsianos, G. & Kimmons, R. (2012). Assumptions and Challenges of Open Scholarship. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,
13 (4), 166–189.

Describes the assumptions of the open scholarship movement and highlights challenges for the future. 

Wikipedia. (2021). Open science

While entitled "open science," this article describes the history of the open scholarship (sometimes referred to as "open research" movement) and as well as different open science schools of thought, political considerations, and an overview of current initiatives.

Tags: IPS OA; IPS CritT; IPS CreaT; PSR LL; PSR GL; IAL IntL; CompS

Peer Review: None

Table of contents:

1.9. Perspectives on "open" movements (beyond open publishing and open data)


Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Last Updated: October 27, 2021


Editor: Last modified: 24.5. 2024 10:05