Chemistry and Chemical Technology

The joint NTK, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT), and Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR (IOCB) library, chemTK, offers a large collection of books and journals in chemistry and chemical technology. In addition to recent literature, you can find titles dating back to the nineteenth century. We also provide access to many special web apps for working with chemical structures or finding articles about chemistry.

Newly arrived journal issues in Chemistry

Most recent print journals are available in our Periodicals Reading Room (third floor, to the right of the elevator).

Chemistry news

Electronic books

Find all NTK electonic books in eBooks A-Z list. See below some specific databases recommended for searching chemical and chemical technology eBooks.

Besides eBooks directly acquired by National Library of Technology it is also possible to access an extensive collection of chemical titles of our partner institutions, ICT Prague and IOCB. The access is from all computers located in the building of NTK. Through these institutions you have the access e. g. to the following eBooks databases. Find all accessible eBooks in eBooks A-Z list on ChemTK website.

Chemistry print books

Chemistry books are on the fifth floor, sector 5C, call number QD1-999.

Subject Shelf Call Number
Chemistry - general 5C048-113 QD1-65
Analytical chemistry 5C114-157 QD71-142
Inorganic chemistry 5C158-172 QD146-197
Organic chemistry 5C173-216 QD241-441
Biochemistry 5C212-216 QD415-436
Physical and theoretical chemistry 5C217-293 QD450-882
Crystallography 5C294-299 QD901-999

Recommended books

Chemical technology books

Chemical technology books are on the third floor, sector 3B, call numbers TP1-1185.

Subject Shelf Call Number
Chemical technology - general 3B114-145 TP1 - TP151
Chemical engineering, equipment and supplies 3B146-164 TP155 - TP196
Chemicals 3B165-166 TP200 - TP248
Biotechnology 3B167-171 TP248.13 - TP248.65
Technical electrochemistry 3B172-175 TP250 - TP261
Water and chemical industry 3B176 TP262 - TP263
Explosives and pyrotechnics, fire chemistry 3B176 TP265 - TP301
Fuel, heating, drying, cooling 3B177-184 TP315 - TP365
Food industry and processing 3B185-194 TP368 - TP456
Technology of low temperatures, cryogenic engineering 3B195 TP480 - TP482
Cooling and ice making 3B196-199 TP490 - TP497
Fermentation industry, drinks, alcohol 3B200-201 TP500 - TP660
Oils, fats, waxes 3C001-5 TP669 - TP699
Lighting (not electric) 3C006-9 TP700 - TP746
Gas industry 3C010-11 TP750.2 - TP762
Industrial chemistry of acethylene 3C012 TP765 - TP770
Ceramic and glass industry 3C013-26 TP785 - TP873.5
Cement industry 3C027-29 TP875 - TP888
Textiles - bleaching, dyeing, printing 3C030 TP890 - TP933
Paints, varnishes, lacquers 3C031-33 TP934 - TP945
Manufacture of printing ink, ink 3C034 TP946 - TP949.95
Organic chemistry and various industrial areas 3C035-36 TP950 - TP994
Waste utilization 3C037 TP995 - TP996
Polymers and polymer processing 3C038-57 TP1080 - TP1185

Recommended books

Rare books

Search items in our rare books published before 1920. Read reviews of selected titles.

Online articles

All NTK resources are searchable through the main search box on NTK website. See below some specific databases recommended for searching chemical and chemical technology articles.

Thanks to integration with UCT Prague's and IOCB's library NTK users have also the access to full-texts of these two institutions. The access is from all computers located in the building of NTK. Resources of all libraries are searchable through the main search box on ChemTK website. You can find here e. g. the complete production of American Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry or an extensive collection of journal focused on chemistry and chemical technology on platforms ScienceDirect, SpingerLink and Wiley Online Library.

Electronic journals

A-Z list of chemistry eJournals

Open access chemistry journals

Open access chemical technology journals

Print journals

A-Z list chemistry journals

Recent issues of print journals in chemistry and chemical engineering are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor, shelves 3D060-065 and 3D183-193.

List of current chemistry journal subscriptions

TitleShelfCall Number
Aldrichimica acta 3D060 QD1.A43
Analytix 3D062 QD71.A538
GERSTEL Aktuell 3D064 QD142.G47
Chemické listy 3D060 QD1.CH467
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 3D061 QD1.J687
LaborPraxis 3D062 QD51.L332
LC GC Europe : solutions for separation scientists 3D063 QD79.C4 L3
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule 3D062 QD40.P73
Research-das Bayer-Forschungsmagazin 3D061 QD1.R47

List of current chemical technology journal subscriptions

TitleShelfCall Number
BioNews 3D185 TP248 .13 .B563
Butane-Propane News 3D189 TP761 .B8 B88
CFI. Ceramic forum international 3D190 TP785 .C472
CIT plus (Das Praxismagazin für Verfahrens- und Chemieingenieure) 3D183 TP1 .C58
CPP - Chemical Plants + Processing 3D184 TP155 .C67
Cutting Tool Engineering 3D189 TP770 .C88
Die Kälte und Klimatechnik 3D188 TP490 .K35
Farbe und Lack 3D191 TP934 .F37
Glass International 3D190 TP845 .G5332
GWF, Gas + Energie 3D189 TP700 .G374
Hemijska Industrija 3D183 TP1 .H46
Hydrocarbon processing 3D188 TP690 .A1 H93
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 3D185 TP155 .CH462
Chemical Engineering Progress 3D183 TP1 .CH4625
Chemical Engineering 3D183 TP1 .CH463
Chemie-Anlagen + Verfahren 3D183 TP1 .C38
Chemie-Technik 3D184 TP1 .CH468
International journal of refrigeration 3D188 TP490 .I58
Journal of protective coatings & linings 3D191 TP934 .J683
Keramische Zeitschrift 3D190 TP785 .K472
Kunststoffe 3D192 TP1101 .K862
Kvasný průmysl 3D188 TP500 .K833
Manufacturing Chemist 3D184 TP1 .M362
Pipeline & gas journal 3D189 TP757 .P57
Plastics engineering 3D192 TP1101 .P5344
Plastics technology 3D193 TP1101 .P5352
Polimery 3D192 TP1080 .P65
Process 3D185 TP155 .P76
Process engineering 3D184 TP1 .P76
Process worldwide 3D185 TP155 .P762
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - RAC 3D188 TP490 .R33
SOFW journal / cosmetics, pharmaceutics, detergents, specialites 3D184 TP1 .S64
Zuckerindustrie 3D187 TP375 .Z832

Structural and reaction databases

Other reference resources

Find more chemical electronic resources on ChemTK website.

Web pages about chemistry

Original author: Anna Keclíková

Editor: Jan Vališ Last modified: 5.2. 2025 12:02