Reservation System

Instructions on how to reserve Team study rooms and Individual carrels.

If you cannot get into a reserved study room, call 232 002 981 or contact a library staff member.
For Polytechnic Workshop call 232 002 586.

Reservation System - Team Study Rooms

Teamwork rooms (floors four to six) are ideal for group projects, study, and research. They are equipped with electrical outlets, data ports, flipcharts, and white boards.

The only thing we kindly ask for is to respect maximum room capacity. Do not modify room furnishings in any way (i.e., remove chairs, bring in more chairs, etc.).

NTK - Team Study Room, 4th Floor
Team Study Room, 4th Floor
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Reservation time

The minimum amount of time required to make a reservation is one hour. You can make longer reservations for a half-day, day or week, depending on your needs and availability.


If you are a student, professor, graduate student, or researcher from a Czech university or from the Czech Academy of Science, the fee is 30 CZK/hour. We charge a fee to ensure reservations are used.

If you are from another organization and have longer-term needs, please discuss your request with our Event and Conference Services team.

How to reserve

You need to:

You can reserve room by using our online reservation system or asking for assistance at a service desk.

Newly registered users and users with a newly registered ID chip card can reserve study rooms one hour after they register/or register their new ID chip card (due to time delays in updating library systems).

How to reserve the team study room online

  1. Log in to your NTK User Account. From the menu choose the Reservation system.
  2. In the menu select "Teamwork Room Reservation - 1 Hour Granularity". New window with team study rooms and calendar will appear.
  3. Select the room and the period for your reservation. Double click to select one cell, to select more cells click at the start and end. Your selection is marked yellow. The reserved time (not confirmed) will turn green.
  4. To finish your reservation you must confirm it by clicking on Potvrdit rezervaci button in a pop-up window.  Confirmed reservation will turn blue in the calendar - make sure the color of your reservation is blue. 

Once you've made the reservation, you can use your customer card to enter the room you’ve reserved at the time you requested.

You can buy whiteboard markers and erasers in an office supply vending machine on the third floor (the machine only accepts coins).

How to cancel

Reservations can be cancelled (and fully refunded) at least 24 hours before the start of the rental period.
Cancellations (and refunds) less than 24 hours before the beginning of the rental period are not possible. 

The reservation can be cancelled online, in person at the Information desks on Floor 1 or 2 during Patron services hours or via email to (always mention your user ID and reservation number).  

.How to cancel the team study room reservation online
  1. Log in to your User Account at NTK.
  2. From the menu choose Reservation system (be patient, the reaction time of the system is slow). 
  3. Click on Seznam rezervací/Reservation List
  4. Wait for the new window with an overview of your reservations. 
  5. In the column Stav u zápůjček you will see a button Storno next to your reservations. Pick the row with the reservation you want to cancel. 
  6. Click on Storno – your reservation has been cancelled.  

Enter the Reservation System


Reservation System - Individual Carrels

In case of problems, questions, or suggestions, please contact the librarians at the Information Desk on Floor 1 or 2 (during the Patron services hours), or let us know at

Only Patrons in specific patron groups (students at partner universities, postgradual students, university teachers, researchers) are authorized to use carrels. Rental period differs for individual patron groups and carrels (see the table below).

Rentals can be made through the online Reservation system (see How to Reserve the Carrel) or with the assistance of librarians at the Information Desks on Floor 1 or 2 (during the Patron services hours).

Newly registered users and users with a newly registered ID chip card can reserve study rooms one hour after they register/or register their new ID chip card (due to time delays in updating library systems).

  1. Log in to your User Account at NTK.
  2. Make sure your User group makes you eligible for the rental of carrels (choose Main account page) and that your registration is valid for the period of the planned rental.
  3. Make sure you have a sufficient credit for the reservation on your Patron´s Financial Account (see the Payment system link under your account), eventually deposit some money on your account online or at the NTK cash desk on the 1st floor. 
  4. From the menu under your account choose Reservation system (be patient, the reaction time of the system is slow). 
  5. Click on the icon Zdroje dle typu/Resources by Type
  6. Pick the Individual carrel based on your User group and the required length of the min. rental period (day, week, month*). You can reserve only the carrels that are available for your User group (in case of other options the cells for reservation will be inactive/empty). 
  7. In the new window you will see the booking calendar of the selected type of the carrel. Show (Zobrazit) and select the time period for which you want to rent the carrel.
    Double click to select only one cell in the calendar, to selected multiple cells click on the first and the last one.
  8. Wait for the confirmation window of your reservation to appear. 
  9. Confirm your reservation by clicking Potvrdit rezervaci and OK in the next window.
  10. The calendar cells with the confirmed reservation will turn blue – please make sure your reservation has the blue color in the calendar. 
  11. To see the list of your reservations click on Seznam rezervací/Reservation List in the main menu of the Reservation system. From there you can cancel your reservations (Storno - at least 24 hour before the start of your rental). Payments from your NTK account will be automatically deducted 24 hours before the begining of your rental.

*Weekly rentals are always Monday - Sunday, monthly rentals always start on the 1st day of the month and end on the last day of the given month. Please, ignore the wrong end date in the Reservation system ( Monday/1st day of the next month), we are currently working to fix this problem.

In case of rental of an individual carrel for Patrons with disabilities (no.7 and 21), the Patron needs to be able to present (upon request, while using the carrel) a document proving his/her disability (e.g. Czech social security disability document, proof of disability, a disability Insurance card, or a medical report).

Your Patron/User group can be verified after log in to your NTK account on the Main account page.
It can be changed after providing relevant documents at the Information desk on Floor 1 or 2 during Patron services hours.

Eligible Patron Groups NTK User Group Rental Period
(during the self-service hours for the whole NTK)
No. of Available Individual Carrels  Price
University students (undergr., graduate) - partner institutions


week (always Monday-Sunday)***

1, 3, 22-27


50 CZK

350 CZK

Ph.D. students, Professors, Researchers  A, AC, AU, AV month (starting the 1st day of the month)*** 2, 4-6, 8-10, 18-20 1 150 CZK
Patrons with disabilities** all the above-mentioned groups 
+ B, E


week (alway Monday-Sunday)***



50 CZK

350 CZK

*Partner institutions: VŠCHT, ČVUT, ČZU, ÚOCHB (signed the Cooperation Contract with NTK); the patron must have valid ISIC/student card of the institution registered at his/her NTK account
**Disabled= need to prove the disability (e.g. Czech social security disability document, proof of disability, a disability Insurance card, or a medical report) while using the carrel
***Week - always Monday-Sunday, all weekly rentals end on Sundays! Monthly rentals always start on the 1st day of the month and end on the last day of the given monthPlease, ignore the wrong end date in the Reservation system ( Monday/1st day of the next month), we are currently working to fix this problem.

Reservations can be cancelled (and fully refunded) at least 24 hours before the start of the rental period.

Cancellations (and refunds) less than 24 hours before the beginning of the rental period are not possible (also in case of weekly and monthly rentals). 

The reservation can be cancelled online, in person at the Information desks on Floor 1 or 2 during Patron services hours or via email to (always mention your user ID and reservation number).   

Cancel your reservation online

  1. Log in to your User Account at NTK.
  2. From the menu under My account choose Reservation system (be patient, the reaction time of the system is slow). 
  3. Click on Seznam rezervací/Reservation List
  4. Wait for the new window with an overview of your reservations. 
  5. In the column Stav u zápůjček you will see a button Storno next to your reservations. Pick the row with the reservation you want to cancel. 
  6. Click on Storno – your reservation has been cancelled.

    Basic rules and conditions for the use of individual carrels can be found here

    Reservation System - Polytechnic Workshop

    1. Log in to your NTK patron account.
    2. Open the Reservation system (only Win 10 and higher).
    3. Click on the relevant workstation/machine in the workshop, choose the day and time you want to work in the workshop and enter your reservation in the basket. You can reserve for a maximum of 4 upcoming weeks.
    4. For printing on 3D printers, first find out the duration of the print (at home or on public PCs in NTK using PrusaSlicer software). Please also include the time in the booking period required to clean and prepare the workplace for further use by another customer.
    5. Submit your reservation (multiple reservations can be made at once).
    6. If you lack the appropriate certificate/training, the booking system will not allow you to submit your reservation.
    7. If you are reserving a 3D printer or plotter, please make sure you have sufficient balance in your NTK financial account available for printing, or top up your account with your card or at the NTK Cash Desk.
    8. You can find a list of your reservations in your patron account in the Reservation Overview.
    9. If you find that you cannot make it to the workshop, or if you make a booking that is too long, please cancel your booking as soon as possible.
    10. If you repeatedly fail to cancel the booking when you cannot come (you do not arrive at the workshop at the given time), we will temporarily restrict your use of the service.
    Editor: Kristina Millerová Last modified: 31.1. 2025 13:01