STEMskiller: Skill Set Map for Mentors of Early Career Researchers

Impact and public engagement

Evaluating public engagement


The UK National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement & Research Councils provides this rationale for evaluating public engagement efforts:

Evaluating your work is key to reflecting on what is working well and where improvements can be made, as well as assessing the impact of your work. The key steps to any evaluation plan, whether you are evaluating a public engagement activity, a culture change project, or a long term support programme, are the same.[1]

[1] National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement & Research Councils UK. (2017). How to… …evaluate public engagement projects and programmes.

Useful resources on Evaluating public engagement:

National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement & Research Councils UK. (2017). How to… …evaluate public engagement projects and programmes.

Detailed guide to evaluating public engagement activities. Describes using logic models; differentiating outputs, outcomes, and impacts; and gathering evidence for reporting.

Tags: PSR CE; CompTS; CompGS

Peer Review: None

Table of contents:

4.2.8. Evaluating public engagement


Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Last Updated: October 28, 2021


Editor: Jana Orlová Last modified: 19.12. 2024 10:12