STEMskiller: Skill Set Map for Mentors of Early Career Researchers


Placement and job searching/seeking


Early career researchers can benefit from learning about possible career paths by exploring the various opportunities open to them, ranging from informational interviews to discussions with recruiters at career fairs to reading academic job advertisements to learn what academic employers are seeking. “Placement” refers to the proactive placing of an individual into a position (via an employment recruiter[1] [sometimes informally called a “headhunter”], typically for corporate/non-academic employers). Many institutions also have career centers to assist mentees in finding non-academic positions; academic positions, being scarce, are typically posted to specific job boards (e.g., The Chronicle of Higher Education, EURAXESS). Learned societies often provide job seeking assistance as well (e.g., American Mathematical Society[2]).


Useful Placement and job searching/seeking general resources:

The Chronicle of Higher Education. (n.d.). Jobs.

Mentees seeking positions in higher education will find listings from the world’s top universities here. Positions are grouped into Executive, Administrative, and Faculty categories (while a “Jobs Outside Academe” category exists, if is not heavily used).

EURAXESS. (n.d.). Jobs & Funding.

Europe’s academic job portal. Includes doctoral and postdoc opportunities in addition to more senior positions.

Research Staff Admin. (2010). Strategic Academic Career Planning – top tips. Research Staff Blog, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester (U.K.).

Concise list of tips for anyone considering an academic career. Has a U.K. focus, but generally applicable to all disciplines, including STEM.

Tags: All IPS; all PSR; all IAL; CompQ

Peer Review: None

Table of contents:

3.4. Placement and job searching/seeking


Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Last Updated: October 28, 2021


Editor: Last modified: 24.5. 2024 08:05