STEMskiller: Skill Set Map for Mentors of Early Career Researchers




Generally speaking, the concept "ethics" involves definitions of right and wrong behavior in different contexts. In academia, individual institutions, funding agencies, and scholarly societies/professional organizations define ethical considerations in and across disciplines. 

Useful resources on Ethics:

Allea. (2017). The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Created by representatives of the European national research academies,. Serves as the reference document for EU-funded research projects, covering key principles, good research practices, and violations of research integrity. 

Markovits, J./Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare (Fall 2009.). 24.231 Ethics.

For mentees very interested in this topic from the philosophical perspective, with list of readings and topics introducing interested learners to this topic. 

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (n.d.). Table of Contents (E).

Provides in-depth articles regarding ethics for several areas of STEM inquiry, including: environmental ethics, ethics and internet research, search engines and ethics, social networking and networks, and a multitude of articles related to biomedical ethics ranging from clinical ethics to cloning to the sale of human organs.

Tags: PSR ER; CompGS

Peer Review: None

Table of contents:

1.8. Ethics


Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Last Updated: October 27, 2021


Editor: Last modified: 24.5. 2024 10:05