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RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP: Academic presentations and posters

[Preparing and submitting proposals]

Before a conference: preparing and submitting proposals


Academic conferences offer you the opportunity to present your research to colleagues, and many conferences include the possibility of preparing a conference paper that supplements your formal presentation. For this process, many conference organizers require the writing of a titled abstract submitted to them. Conference organizers will then review submissions and select their choices for taking part in the conference. Competition for this can be fierce, and writing an abstract for this purpose is different from writing an abstract for an academic article, so it is important to spend time preparing and reviewing a conference proposal abstract and its title. 

Useful resources on Preparing and submitting conference proposals:

Kara, H. (2015). How to write a killer conference abstract: The first step towards an engaging presentation. The London School of Economics and Political Science Blog.

Describes the differences between conference and journal article abstracts, providing four tips for making your abstract the very best it can be.

NC State University Department of History. (2021). Tips for Writing Conference Paper Abstracts

Guide to making abstracts that stand out from the crowd, with examples. While the examples are from the history discipline, tips, common pitfalls, and questions to ask while writing are applicable to all disciplines.


Peer Review: None

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Author: Stephanie Krueger

Peer Reviewer(s): None

Last Updated: October 21, 2021


Editor: Last modified: 24.5. 2024 08:05