NTK in numbers

General statistics:








Registered patrons, total 21 841 25 449 26 522 27 729 29 454 31 453
Patrons registered on the premises 21 110 - 25 766 - - -
Of which are students 16 403 - 20 326 - - -
Of which are VPK patrons 731 746 756 777 - -
Number of visitors, total 1 017 583 1 235 866 1 077 265 2 143 379 2 096 423 2 022 510
To the premises 483 583 539 635 542 889 568 850 697 998 796 395
Online 534 000 696 231 554 376 1 574 529 1 398 425 1 226 115
Holdings total (as of Dec. 2015) 1 182 254 1 188 300 1 185 356 1 177 824 1 166 043 1 154 901
Print materials 1 098 855 1 104 623 1 185 356 1 089 144 1 080 783 1 069 450
Special collections 83 198 83 469 83 469 83 469 83 469 83 469
eResources 201 208 211 1 438 1 791 1 982
Print materials purchased 5 633 6 046 4 176 3 763 5 220 4 479
Print materials weeded 4 983 4 859 6 923 16 295 13 581 13 041
Loans, total 192 974 191 864 190 485 393 269 416 844 425 742
Print materials (renewals included) 108 703 110 181 114 949 111 767 114 517 106 121
Personal loans 108 244 109 350 109 246 110 474 112 864 104 697
From special collections 84 271 81 683 75 536 281 502 302 327 319 621
Interlibrary Loan total 9 328 9 674 9 388 7 317 6 021 3 079
Educational events 171 163 198 146 155 128
Number of attendees 1 930 3 564 3 508 3 492 2 929 3 713

Additional statistics:

Annual Reports

Editor: Last modified: 16.4. 2018 11:04