Social Sciences

Social Sciences are not the main focus of the library, but you may find some useful resources within our collections, both print and online. If you are searching for Economics and Management or Law, use our specialized subject guides.

New books in Humanities and Social sciences

Subject RSS feed

Newly Arrived Journal Issues

Most recent print journals are available in the Periodicals Reading Room (third floor, to the right of the elevator).


Registered patrons of NTK can access many relevant and up-to-date e-books. You can find them by using out sicovery search bar on the top of the page or by browsing some of the databases to which we subscribe:

Recommended eBooks

Principles of Sociological Inquiry – Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Understanding and Applying Research Design Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining Facebook Nation: Total Information Awareness Moodle Course Design Best Practices

Printed Books

Psychology 6A/023-24 BF
Social sciences (General). Methodology 6A/054-56 H
Statistics for social science





Sociology 6B/008-9 HM
Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology
6B/021 HV
Education 6B/069-78 L
Academic writing 6B/072-76 LB1025-LB2391

Recommended books

Analýza sociálněvědních dat (nejen) v SPSS Statistika v aplikacích Kvalitativní výzkum : základní teorie, metody a aplikace Social research methods ow to get a PhD: a handbook for students and their supervisors Tekutý dohled

Rare Books

You can find plenty of ancient, dirty and dusted old books in rare books collection of NTK, but these books might have significant meaning for the future generations to come. Many classical writers resides in small paper boxes somewhere in the dungeons of NTK hiding before the sun light and paper-eating bugs. The oldest book is probably writen by Albrecht Durer, and you will most likely never see it, because it is locked in the goblin vault without key. You might also be interested in the work of our colleagues on the pages of HF NTK.

Online Articles

Recommended full-text databases 

Other databases and search engines 

Electronic Journals

You can use the e-journals A-Z list to find a specific journal.

Printed Journals

The two latest volumes of printed journals are available in the Periodical Study Room on the third floor. Older volumes can be found on the shelves or you can order them from the closed stacks.

All printed journals can be found in the library catalogue.

Research Methods and Data Processing

Science and Technology in Society

Electronic Handbooks in NTK

The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation The Wiley Handbook of Psychology, Technology, and Society A Companion to New Media Dynamics International Handbook of Internet Research The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Sociology Research Methods for Postgraduates

Research Institutions

Statistical Data and Analyses

Data Archives


Editor: Tomáš Razím Last modified: 19.8. 2024 11:08