International Interlibrary Services

During the COVID-19 Crisis, the use of this service is limited. Nevertheless, please fill out the form and we will check the situation and let you know.

NTK's international interlibrary loan services (ILL) provide our patrons with materials which are not available in the Czech Republic for a fee (see Chapter 8 of the NTK Pricelist, p. 4). These materials are either loans (typically books) or copies (often journal articles or book chapters).

Please ask an expert at the second floor service desk or email our reference team to make sure we do not already have the item you seek in our collections or if you are unsure which service to use (domestic or international).

We also lend materials from our collections to other libraries outside the Czech Republic.

NTK Patrons

NTK patrons can order materials not available in Czech libraries through the International ILL Order Form. For assistance and additional information, please contact our int'l ILL staff.

Fees for the service are in the NTK Pricelist (Chapter 8, p. 4).

When your order is settled, you will receive a notification message.

Please take care of your loaned material and let us know immediately if it is damaged or lost. In the case of loss or damage, you will need to pay a fee to cover the extent of the damage or loss.

For Libraries outside the Czech Republic

Libraries outside the Czech Republic can request materials from our holdings using the ILL Order Form  or by email. Prices for loans or copies are charged according to the library price list.

The Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative Logo
We're a STAR library!

(+420) 232 002 419
(+420) 232 002 498

National Library of Technology
ILL Services
Technicka 6/2710
160 80 Praha 6
Czech Republic

See also

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Editor: Last modified: 14.1. 2021 15:01